Appendix 1 – Proposals where objections are proposed to be upheld


1.         Site 1 Bridge Place, Rye (Councillor Keith Glazier)

1.1         The proposal at this location is to install a Blue Badge Holders Only bay for the resident of no. 11.

1.2         6 objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that the resident no longer lives at the address.

1.3         The proposal follows requests by the resident of no. 11 for a disabled bay. It has been subsequently confirmed by officers that the applicant no longer lives at the address.

1.4         Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to withdraw the proposal.

1.5         At the time of writing, Councillor Glazier has not replied to confirm whether he agrees with the recommendation.

1.6         Recommendation: To uphold the objections and withdraw the proposal.